- F.U.C.K -
Sebuah kata yang (mungkin) sangat sering kita ucapkan ataupun kita dengarkan, dengan konotasi yang sedikit negatif.
In Ancient England, people could not have sex without consent from the King. When people want to have a child, they had to solicit a permission to the monarchy, in turn they would supply a plaque to hang on their door when they had sexual relations. The plaque read "Fornication Under Consent of The King" (F.U.C.K) This is the origin of the world.
Translate :" Jaman dahulu kala di Negara Inggris, penduduknya tidah boleh melakukan hubungan seksual tanpa ijin dari sang Raja. Saat mereka ingin memiliki anak, mereka harus mengajukan ijin kepada pihak kerajaan. Setelah itu pihak kerajaan akan memberikan "Tanda / Kartu" untuk digantung di pintu pasangan tersebut selama mereka berhubungan. Tanda tersebut bertuliskan "Hubungan intim telah mendapatkan ijin dari raja", atau dalam bahasa mereka ditulis dengan "Fornication Under Consent of The King" (F.U.C.K), Inilah asal kata FUCK
In Ancient England, people could not have sex without consent from the King. When people want to have a child, they had to solicit a permission to the monarchy, in turn they would supply a plaque to hang on their door when they had sexual relations. The plaque read "Fornication Under Consent of The King" (F.U.C.K) This is the origin of the world.